Boat Nirvana Ivy true wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds have been launched in India. The latest Boat earbuds feature dual 11mm drivers and are claimed to offer up to 50 hours of total playback time, including the case, on a single charge. The Boat Nirvana Ivy features active noise cancellation (ANC) and have an IPX5 rated build. Other features include Google fast pairing… audio Boat Nirvana Ivy true wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds have been launched in India. The latest Boat earbuds feature dual 11mm drivers and are claimed to offer up to 50 hours of total playback time, including the case, on a single charge. The Boat Nirvana Ivy features active noise cancellation (ANC) and have an IPX5 rated build. Other features include Google fast pairing…