These posters from Lokesh Kanagaraj’s upcoming film Coolie are making the wait for the real deal so hard. The latest poster released by the makers features superstar Rajinikanth. Need we say more? The film’s director Lokesh Kanagaraj, introducing Rajinikanth’s character, wrote in an X post (earlier known as Twitter), “Superstar Rajinikanth Sir as Deva in Coolie. Thank you so much for this Rajinikanth Sir. It’s going to be a blast.” The film also features Nagarjuna, Shruti Haasan and Soubin Shahir.
Check out the post here:
Superstar @rajinikanth sir as #Deva in #Coolie
Thank you so much for this @rajinikanth sir
It’s going to be a blast @anirudhofficial @anbariv @girishganges @philoedit @Dir_Chandhru @sunpictures @PraveenRaja_Off
— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) September 2, 2024
On Nagarjuna’s 69th birthday, the makers shared his official poster from the film and they wrote introducing his character, “Kicked to have King Nagarjuna Sir joining the cast of Coolie as Simon. Welcome on board and wishing you a very happy birthday Sir.” ICYMI, this is what we are talking about:
Kicked to have King @iamnagarjuna sir joining the cast of #Coolie as #Simon
Welcome on board and wishing you a very happy birthday sir@rajinikanth sir @anirudhofficial @anbariv @girishganges @philoedit @Dir_Chandhru @sunpictures @PraveenRaja_Off
— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) August 29, 2024
The makers welcomed Soubin Shahir on board a few weeks ago. “Kicked to have Soubin Shahir sir joining the cast of Coolie as Dayal. Welcome on board sir,” read the caption on the post.
Kicked to have #SoubinShahir sir joining the cast of #Coolie as #Dayal
Welcome on board sir @rajinikanth sir @anirudhofficial @anbariv @girishganges @philoedit @Dir_Chandhru @sunpictures
— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) August 28, 2024
Director Lokesh Kanagaraj shared a poster featuring Shruti Haasan last week and he wrote on X (earlier known as Twitter), “Kicked to have Shruti Haasan joining the cast of Coolie as Preethi. Welcome on board.”
Kicked to have @shrutihaasan joining the cast of #Coolie as #Preethi
Welcome on board @rajinikanth sir @anirudhofficial @anbariv @girishganges @philoedit @Dir_Chandhru @sunpictures @PraveenRaja_Off
— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) August 30, 2024
Coolie has been backed by Kalanidhi Maran’s Sun Pictures.
Rajinikanth was last seen in Lal Salaam, directed by his daughter Aishwaryaa Rajinikanth, in which he had a cameo appearance. The film starred Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth in the main roles. Last year, the superstar featured in the film Jailer, directed by Nelson Dilipkumar.
“It’s going to be a blast,” wrote Lokesh Kanagaraj