Dell XPS 13 (9350) has been launched with the second-generation Intel Core Ultra 200V ‘Lunar Lake’ laptop CPUs. The new Dell XPS 13 (9350) model runs on Windows 11 Home, sports a 13.4-inch IPS LCD screen, and features up to 32GB of RAM. It packs a 3-cell 55Wh battery and offers support for 60W charging over a USB Type-C port. pc/ laptops Dell XPS 13 (9350) has been launched with the second-generation Intel Core Ultra 200V ‘Lunar Lake’ laptop CPUs. The new Dell XPS 13 (9350) model runs on Windows 11 Home, sports a 13.4-inch IPS LCD screen, and features up to 32GB of RAM. It packs a 3-cell 55Wh battery and offers support for 60W charging over a USB Type-C port.