Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas recently attended their close friend’s wedding and they did it in style. The Jonas Brothers’ singer shared a series of pictures from the wedding festivities. While Priyanka looks stunning in a black dress, Nick opts for a pink tuxedo. Sharing the post on Instagram, he wrote, “Congrats @deleasakathleen and @nickmirchuk loved being there to celebrate you.”
The OG Desi Girl checked into Mumbai last week to attend the wedding festivities of her brother, Siddharth Chopra. The actress shared photos from the wedding festivities. In the pictures, Priyanka looks gorgeous in a pink-hued saree as she celebrates the joyous occasion. Sharing the photos on Instagram, she wrote, “Berries and cream.”
ICYDK, Nick Jonas and Malti Marie skipped the occasion. Siddharth Chopra and actress Neelam Upadhyaya hosted a roka ceremony with close friends and family in April this year. The function was attended by Priyanka, her husband, Nick Jonas and their daughter Malti Marie.
On the work front, Priyanka Chopra wrapped the shooting of her upcoming film Bluff. The film is directed by Frank E Flowers. The actress will also be seen in Heads Of State. The film is helmed by y director Ilya Naishuller. It also stars Idris Elba, John Cena, and Jack Quaid in key roles. Additionally, she announced her collaboration with the production team of Barry Avrich’s new feature documentary, Born Hungry.
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas attended a friend’s wedding