Vivo Y300 Pro was launched in China on Thursday (September 5) as the latest entrant in the company’s Y series. The new handset comes in four colour options and four RAM and storage configurations. It boasts a 6.77-inch screen and runs on Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC. The Vivo Y300 Pro features 50-megapixel dual rear cameras and sports a 6,500mAh battery with 80W fast chargi… mobiles Vivo Y300 Pro was launched in China on Thursday (September 5) as the latest entrant in the company’s Y series. The new handset comes in four colour options and four RAM and storage configurations. It boasts a 6.77-inch screen and runs on Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC. The Vivo Y300 Pro features 50-megapixel dual rear cameras and sports a 6,500mAh battery with 80W fast chargi…